Thursday, February 10, 2022

I'm a Winner! (and other stuff)

You all know about (The Constant Quilter) Wendy Reed's "Montly Mini" challenge, right? which in itself is loads of fun and results in many very cool mini quilts every month. Then a few months ago Janet Olsen  (Rogue Quilter) challenged us to make a mini from a baggie of scraps left over from another project, which we referred to as "The Baggie Challenge". I jumped on board right away. Even more fun, right?

At the end there was a drawing, and lo and behold, my name was drawn! The prize was this darling tiny quilt made by Janet. I just love it!

This little beauty came in the mail a couple of days ago, along with an array of other goodies, including ...

Two bars of Janet's handmade soap! Any of you that have been lucky recipients of Janet's soap know how wonderful it is. All natural ingredients, and smell heavenly.

Also included were a purse-size hand lotion, two Utah Chocolate Truffles, one of which I ate immediately, and mini charm pack. How fun! 

Let's go back to the quilt. How cool is the back!

And check out her corners. Talk about perfect! 

Thank you so much, Janet!


OK, on to other things. I thought I'd go ahead and give a sneak peek of my  Quilt Show entries, and Auction quilts.

First up, "Amish Inspired" which started as a Block of the Month in 1999. I won the blocks, and right away proceeded to build them into a quilt. Its quite large, measuring 76 x 100". I had intended to hand quilt it, a daunting prospect even back then when my hands were still good. Meanwhile I got stuck on a backing. Long story short, it got put on the back burner and I moved on to other things. 23 years later (ahem ... ) I decided I needed to move it out. I enlisted my friend Claire (cspoonquilt) to baste it for me on her long-arm, I machine quilted it on my Janome, and we are donating it to our live auction as a fundraiser for our guild.

(psst ...  our Quilt Show and Auction is in two weeks! Click here for information.)

Next is my Scrappy Log Cabin, which I've posted about before, also going into the auction. 

I also completed two quilts for the general exhibit. The first one was a sew-along with Temecula Quilt Co, which I'm simply calling "Log Cabin". I haven't been able to get a good picture of the full quilt yet, but here's a detail picture. 

Its based on this antique quilt.

I've seen many versions of this on the internet, as many folks sewed along. I just love the colors. 

Lastly, I made Road to Oklahoma, out of the book A Dozen Variables my Marsha McCloskey and Nancy Martin. 

Here's a close up

Again, those blues and browns I love so much. This one is going to my niece, Hana.

That's about it. Wow. Two posts in two weeks! I'm exhausted.



ps ... don't forget our Quilt Show and Auction is in two weeks! Click here for information.


  1. Oh lucky you!! You deserve a win for sticking with us all these years. I was reminded last month that this is our 5th year of monthly mini making. How time flies. Janet's challenge was so clever and fun. And, those of us lucky enough to have used Janet's soaps know how delightful they are! Congratulations! I wish I could attend your show. I'm pretty sure this is the one I attended virtually last year through Claire's blog. You are so generous to donate those fabulous quilts for the auction. And your niece will truly love that Road to Oklahoma quilt. That is one of my all time favorite quilt books. Enjoy your day!

  2. Hey Sandy! Fabulous quilts!!!! The quilting came out beautiful on the amish quilt. I still can't beleive you quilted it on your Janome. And I love your Log Cabin quilts! Especially the one for the Auction. I might bid on that myself!! See you at the Fair! take care!

  3. Sandy, I am so glad to see that you are happy with your winnings!
    Having recently had a finish that was over 20 years old myself, I know how satisfying that can finally be. It is a bright and beautiful quilt--and I love all the purple! I have to ask, did you find it hard to remove the machine basting after machine quilting it? I have wondered about that. I have had a longer quilter baste something I hand quilted, but I have wondered if the basting stitches are hard to remove after machine quilting.
    Your log cabin quilts and Road to Oklahoma all have a vintage, cozy feel to me.
    Consider yourself an official enabler--I had to look up that book and order it. ;)
    Good luck with your show and auction!

  4. How wonderful for you to have one of Janet's mini quilts. All of your quilts are gorgeous and finishing the Amish Inspired quilt gets a big shout out. The log cabins are a treasure of fabrics. So many fabulous pieces stitched together.

  5. Congratulations, Sandy! So happy you won Janet's mini along with all the goodies she sent your way. Her soaps are heavenly. What a great finish on your Amish Inspired quilt. How do you quilt something that large on your machine? Absolutely LOVE your Log Cabin quilts and the Road to Oklahoma in those browns and blues.
    Enjoy your quilt show!

  6. Congratulations on your lucky win, Janet's tiny quilt is just lovely. And thank you for all the beautiful eye candy, your quilts are just divine. I'm so pleased I've joined in the mini group, it has been wonderful to find new to me blogs like yours. I'm adding you to my blog list so I can visit again and again!
