Once again, I "Returned to Temecula" for my monthly mini.
For this month's mini, I thought I'd make "Tiny Tree" which was her Christmas Mini for this year, but then I found this one from a previous year, and decided to make it instead. It uses the same blocks as the tree, but with different colors and setting. Much happier!
I quilted it using the hand-quilt stitch on my Janome. So easy (no stress on my hands) and so effective.

Once again I was blessed with serendipity, finding the perfect border and backing fabric, out of my stash!
Now back to the sewing room, to work on my Summer Sampler - another Temecula project from a few years ago. Don't worry, I'll have a finish to show soon, which is NOT from Temecula, and other projects brewing as well.
Now go check out the other minis for this month on Wendy's blog.
Happy New Year, everyone!