A while ago, I made a couple lap-size quilts which ended up going to two very ill neighbors of mine. It was lucky I had them on hand, as they were originally intended to go to the wounded soldiers up at the VA. I decided then, and from now on, I wanted to have a few tops on hand at all times, just for when the occasion arises that someone might need a quilt.
The idea is to have the tops done and backing ready, so all I have to do is machine quilt them etc. and they're ready to go. The sizes vary. The VA requests lap size (36x48) for the patients in wheelchairs. For others, I like to make them larger, but no set dimensions.
I was on a roll, so I went ahead and made the one below for the VA hospital. I rarely make anything with a "patriotic" theme, but I had just the right amount of the right shades of blue and red for this, and got to use up some white-on-white that had been hanging around way too long.
If you look close you may recognize the blue fabric. Its what I bought from Temecula Quilt Co. for the setting blocks of last year's Summer Sampler, which I never made. Yes I bought the block tool and everything, but never made one block. Well I'm glad I found a good use for the blue, anyway.
I'm sure there will be more of these to come, but that's about it for now. Oh one more comfort quilt: look at my last post to see my Sister's Choice quilt. I decided to give it to my client Louise, who is in advanced stages of Parkinson's disease. She is the sweetest person, and I'm so happy to have a quilt to give her.
I do have other projects in the works, but nothing else to show quite yet.